Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About: Part 3

In part 1 and part 2 of Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About, we covered various topics ranging from cosigning and interest fees to annual fees and debt elimination. In the final installment, we’re going to cover three more

Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About: Part 2

The internet is full of information about credit cards, yet people still wonder what the best choice is for them. In Part 1 of Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About, we went over whether card holders should close out

Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About: Part 1

No matter how much information is out there about credit cards, there still seems to be many unanswered questions people have about them. Here are 3 common credit card questions people wonder about:      Should I get a card with

Here’s Why You May Only Need Two Kinds Of Credit Cards

Wondering how many credit cards you should have? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some financial experts say zero….as in none. Others say as many as you can handle. However, the question may not be how many you can

Best Lowest Interest Rate Credit Cards

Everyone wants a low interest rate credit card. Unfortunately, everyone won’t qualify for one. If you want to try your luck and apply for one anyway, here are the best credit cards offered in America this month, according to

What Is Your Credit Card Terms & Conditions Really Saying

When you’re ready to apply for a new credit card, keep in mind the terms and conditions. Read through them carefully. By doing so, you ensure that you are aware of all the following: Introductory rates – These are rates

Cons to Getting Department Store Credit Cards: Part 2

If you’ve been thinking about getting a department store card, be careful. Although there are advantages to having them, there are disadvantages as well. In part one, we covered the high interest rates and limited use of store cards. Now,

Cons to Getting Department Store Credit Cards: Part 1

When you go into a store, it’s not uncommon to get an offer for their store card. In fact, they make big money off of this method. But, before you grab one there are some things you should be aware

Pros To Getting Store Credit Cards

If you’ve ever gone into a department store before, more than likely you’ve been invited to apply for a credit card. Credit cards are very lucrative for retailers, which is why they offer them nearly every time you go. Here

Ways To Be A Successful Credit Card Owner – Part 2

In Part 1 on how to be a successful credit card owner, we covered the importance of using credit cards like cash and making automatic payments. Now, let’s check out two more great ways to ensure that you are a

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